Site icon The 🇵🇱 Poland Report

The Poland Report. Who are we and where are we heading?

„The Poland Report” is aiming to create a website providing the most important news about the situation in Poland. Unbiased, truthful, uncompromising, and impartial.

We will always separate facts from opinions to help you better understand what is happening in a country with over 1,000 years of history and inhabited with nearly 40 million remarkable people.

We are neither funded nor established by any company, political party, or international organization. We rely solely on the generosity of our Readers who wish to support the mission we have undertaken. Details on how you can support us will be provided soon.

We are currently working on developing simple and reliable website. The team of enthusiasts is also coming together—people who love Poland, value its heritage, and uphold the values known as the Polish Trinity: “God, Honor, and Homeland.” They are committed to spreading truthful information about what is happening in Poland to the world.

We invite all those who wish to contribute their talents and time to the success of this project to join us.

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